Postcard for Swap!

Well, I think this will be the only post that I wrote in English. You can see from my blog that English is not my native language, so please hold up if my tenses and vocabulary is a lil bit messed up. As you can read from the title: YES I OPEN UP POSTCARD FOR SWAP! *cheers* 🍻

Please note that the postcard I'm willing to swap is a printed of my photographs. Well, some of them belongs to my boyfriend, but most of them, I shoot it myself. I printed my photographs using art carton by digital printing. I'm not using any photo paper at all. So even though it was self printed, it has a good quality just like any real postcard. 😉

I am from Indonesia, Southeast Asia. I'm open to do postcard swap to any country, including Indonesia. If there's some trouble to look at my gallery, you can go right to my Flickr Album. I will updating this gallery frequently so you'll be able to see which postcard is still available. If you're interested to do postcard swap please let me know, you can contact me by email or just leave a comment below. Thank you! 😉

Postcard Swap Gallery

 Handwritten letters will never go out of style.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, saya Nuhi.
    Saya baru bergabung di dunia postcrossing 2 bulan lalu hehe..
    Sekarang masih main postcard?
